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Within Greenness Quieting Details / US222 Distortion Graphism / CA128 Susurration Details / US194 Tropical Flexing Fanning Out Details / ES191 Edging #4 Seeing Through Graphism / UK176 Textured Graphism / NO175 Overshadowed Uncharted Wave #7 Respite / Details / ES198 Details / US227 Edging #5 Graphism / ES198 Nature's Lace Reflection #6 Seeing Through Fluidity #122 Liquefying Flare Graphism / ES192 Fluidity #195 Edging #3 Illuminated #1 Fluidity #145 Wave #6 Droplets Up close Festive #1 Sparks Placid Festive #8 Plentiful Cast Shadows Different Outpouring Edging #2 In harmony Illuminated #7 Illuminated #2 Patchy Life Ironwork Shimmer Gleaming Easeful *** Reverie Fluency Enlaced Bare Reflection Awakening Musing Tranquility Tender touch All that is left... Rosette Hidden Treasures Odds & Ends: #7801 Catch a glimpse... Magic Moments Grace Morning Glory To Life... Falling into Winter II Inrush Odds & Ends: #27222 Odds & Ends: #33109 Odds & Ends: #33114 Odds & Ends: #33124 *** Elation *** Reminiscences Interlacement Silky Soft Watercolors - Iris Watercolors: Iris Convergence City Geometry #22125 Imperfection *** Flowering Kale - Kamome Pink Peacock Eye *** *** *** City Geometry #26224 City Geometry #26020 Elements New Mexico: Arts & Crafts New Mexico: Arts & Crafts New Mexico: Arts & Crafts *** Verdure #2 Verdure #8 *** Taos yarn Carnation Contingence *** *** *** *** Calla Lily Diaphanous *** Ardor Ethereality Graphism: #1104 Graphism: #1101 Graphism: #1103 Odds & Ends: #7709 Ringlet Metamorphosis Blush Luminous *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** In bud *** *** *** *** *** *** Tomato World *** In Disguise Spring Weave Butterfly


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✚ Weathered exhibition is up in the Lightful Imagery Gallery till June 24th, 2024.

✚ Florescence exhibition preview is currently ongoing. New image is revealed in the newsletter every week till June 18th, 2024. Sign up for the newsletter to follow along.



Fairy-taleOn return...